First and foremost, School-A-Palooza is a fundraiser, and that means we need to raise some funds while also raising the roof. And here’s some extra incentive to help out – the PSIS 187 PTO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, which means all of your donations are tax deductible. [Let’s be honest, who actually wants to pay taxes?] So when you do make a donation, we’ll send you a receipt in time for your tax fillings – and you’ll have to claim less earnings. Isn’t that great? Put your worries aside and donate right here and right now. We thank you in advance!
Or make a check out to PSIS 187 PTO and snail mail to this address:
PSIS 187 ATTN: PTO Office 349
Cabrini Blvd. New York, NY 10040
Every Dollar Counts!
Additional thanks for all who make the show happen, including parents, school staff and other volunteers. Extra special thanks to Francis Hsueh's sketch of PS 187; various students who contributed artwork for the site, 2022 show logo by Vivien McNab and Lily Gibbons, Lettering by Harlon Reo; live video recording by Ian Hardy; website by Pattie McNab.
Sketch by Francis Hsueh
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