
November 19, 2016

Amount Raised: $14,380

The tenth show in the School-A-Palooza canon, X featured a cast and catalog of amazing performances the likes that Washington Heights has never seen. The show started off with a beauty pageant of former School-A-Palooza shows, aka contestants, and then devolved into the "Time Warp" from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Acts included Deirdre Cipolla's final dance, musical theater numbers, an old blues tune about being in love with you body (unitard included!) and many others. A huge gaggle of teachers danced and literally almost brought down the house. Violins were played and triangles were dinged. A rousing set from Chris Jennings and the SAP Super Band ended the night, per usual, and fun and financial success reached brand new heights. Or should we say "Washington Heights"!


Photos by Phil Swetz